Smarty Mobile Service Review (Calls, Text messages & Internet)

This is a review of the Smarty mobile service in the UK covering calls, text messages and internet usage.

Smarty uses the Three network (UK) and I’ve been using the service for quite a while. This review only focuses on how I’ve used the service. I’m on a monthly plan and I can cancel the service anytime I want to. I was primarily using Smarty for phone calls and messaging, with the occasionally internet usage. Recently I’ve used the internet more often, including as part of a temporary hotspot set up, providing internet to two computers.

Please note: This isn’t a sponsored review. I just decided to blog about the service based upon my experience. This review isn’t a recommendation and your experience might be different.

Telephone calls and text messaging
Where I live, I’ve never had a signal issue with Smarty, but at my parents home elsewhere in England (UK), I have had a problem with signal strength.

Until the Covid-19 crisis my fiancée and I didn’t spend the working day together and we would text each other and we would often speak via phone one to two times a day. We found Smarty to be reliable, not presenting us with any problems when we wanted to communicate to each other.

Having unlimited calls and text messages does make a difference, My fiancée uses another phone service and she has set minutes, whereas I don’t. It isn’t unusual for my fiancée to run out of minutes on her phone service, but I don’t as I use Smarty.

At home we no-longer use our landline to make telephone calls and I find it a comfort to know that I have unlimited calls on my mobile phone. So if on the odd occasion my call usage is higher than normal, I’ve not experienced a problem or extra cost.

Internet usage
I don’t use whatsapp or similar services on a mobile phone and for quite a while I would just turn on mobile internet when I used it and the switch it off the rest of the time.

In May 2020 I used Speedtest to perform a Smarty internet speed test and below is a screenshot of the result.

Smarty Speed Test

Now here is where it gets interesting… During the Covid-19 crisis my internet connection at home went offline, so I set up a temporary WiFi hotspot on my mobile phone, then turned on the mobile internet. Smarty worked well, coping with Skype, a remote connection and general broadband usage.

Not related to Smarty, but I was also impressed by how well my Samsung Galaxy S5 G900T mobile phone coped acting as a hotspot and the battery usage was lower than I expected.

I’m on the 2GB plan and if I didn’t use 2GB during the last billing period, Smarty discount £2 GBP. This is fantastic and I enjoy the flexibility of the Smarty service. Often I won’t use the data for a while and it isn’t unusual for me to receive the message below.Edited photo showing a text message

I’ve been using mobile services for many years and Smarty is my favourite so far. I don’t have the need currently, but in the future I might use their ‘Unlimited data’ plan as the pricing looks good to me.

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